Texting and Neck Pain


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To Your Good Health
Image: radiomd.com

Dr. David Friedman has practiced as a chiropractic and naturopathic physician in Wilmington, NC, since 1989. The host of the syndicated radio show To Your Good Health and health expert for the Lifetime television network, Dr. David Friedman has shared his knowledge about such matters as neck pain caused by text messaging.

Although text messaging has become a popular way for people to communicate with friends, family members, and colleagues, it is also having a detrimental effect on musculoskeletal health. When texting, people tend to look down, which increases the functional weight of the head. Every inch of forward inclination increases the head weight by 10 pounds, which means that a 12-pound head can weigh up to 60 pounds during texting.

Research indicates that most people look at their phones 80 times daily. This amount of stress on the joints, ligaments, and muscles of the neck can result in soft tissue injuries and place the upper spine at increased risk of disc herniation. Dr. Friedman has seen neck xrays of teenagers that appear to have suffered a whiplash injury from texting. The constant flexion of the cervical curve can wreak havoc on the ligaments that normally hold the bones in their upright position.

Fortunately, it is possible for a mobile phone user to mitigate this risk by looking straight ahead rather than down at screens. To do so may require him or her to re-position his or her screen and develop the habit of bringing the phone up closer to the face to text. Or, just go the old fashion route and call your family and friends. Yes, smartphones do have that option.